present-2: 형용사, 명사 1) to be in a particular place: 출석하다 ① A teacher takes attendance of students present in the class. ② On an average, there are twenty boys present every day. 2) to be existing: 존재하다 ① On Earth, the gravity is always present and never goes away.② CO2, known as carbon dioxide is consistently present in the air. 3) to be happening or existing now: 현재의, 지금의 ① The teachers of the past and present teachers teach very different things.② Time does not necessarily flows from the past to the present to the future. 4) gift: 선물 ① Children all over the world wait for their Christ
present-1: 동사 1) to give something to someone, for example at a formal or official occasion: 주다 ① The computer centre presented a cheque for 5,000 dollars to cancer research. 2) to cause something to happen or exist: 초래하다 ① Large classes in school present great problems to many teachers. ② I knew I had presented her with an impossible task. 3) to show or describe someone or something: 소개하다, 내놓다, 보여주다 ① Shakespeare presents the hero as a noble man doomed to make mistakes. ② The audience became quiet when he presented his startling discovery. 4) to show such things as an official documen
object 명사와 동사로 사용되는 아주 복잡한 어휘인데, 여기서는 명사만 다루겠습니다. 1) a solid thing that you can hold, touch, or see but that is not alive: 물건, 물체, 사물 ① Gravity is the force that causes objects to drop to the ground.② Also, when the color is dark, objects look smaller than they really are. 2) the purpose of a plan, action, or activity: 목적, 목표 ① The object of the game is to improve children's math skills.② The object of the exercise is to amuse and enlighten the general reader. 3) someone or something that is targeted: 대상 ① Others find it helpful to concentrate on one object or thought.② Many students com
subject: 명사, 형용사, 동사로 사용되는 어휘인데, 여기서는 명사만 다루겠습니다. 1) the thing you are talking about or considering in a conversation, discussion, book, film etc: 주제 ① Finally, I found a good book on the subject and read it with great interest. 2) an area of knowledge that you study at a school or university: 과목, 학과 ① The CSAT covers five to seven subjects, while the SAT covers only four. 3) the thing or person that you show when you paint a picture, take a photograph etc: 대상, 피사체 ① When you take a picture, it's very important to study the subject. ② The artist loved flowers and trees as his subjects.
perspective:의미가 아주 많은 단어로 해석에 항상 유의해야 합니다. 1) a way of thinking about something, viewpoint: 관점, 시각 ① From the government's perspective, the decision may be the proper one.② This week, I would like to look at things from the teachers' perspective. 2) a sensible way of judging and comparing situations: 전망, 조망 ① I wanted to provide not only the answer, but an unexpected fresh perspective.② We can regroup and get a new perspective for the future. 3) a method of drawing a picture that makes objects look solid and shows distance and depth, or the effect this method produces in a picture: 원근법 ①
address:의미가 아주 많아서 독해가 어려운 단어입니다. 동사와 명사로 사용됩니다. 1) if you address a problem, you start trying to solve it: 해결하려 노력하다 ① It plans on conducting additional research, so it can address the imbalance.② He suggests addressing the underlying causes – the pets' emotional problems. 2) to speak to someone directly: 말을 걸다, 부르다 ① Madam is a formal and polite way of addressing a woman of superior rank. ② It is the balcony of Juliet's home where Romeo addresses her in the play. 3) say or write something directly to a person: 언급하다, 거론하다 ① He addressed the high unemployment rate and other challenges. ②
complete 형용사와 동사로 사용되어 해석이 까다로운 단어 중 하나입니다. 1) meaning that a quality or situation is as great as it could possibly be: 완전한 ① The newly found species has no eyes because it lives in complete darkness.② All the teachers at each school should follow the complete standardization. 2) finished: 완성된 (명사 앞에서 수식할 수 없고 서술형으로만 쓰임) ① The government has confirmed the construction will be complete by 2011.② While I understand your concern, rest assured that the research is complete. 3) to finish doing or making something, especially when it has taken a long time: 완수하다, 완료하다 ① He completed his tour a
state해석이 까다로운 단어 중 하나인데, 여기서는 명사만 다루도록 하겠습니다. 1) the physical or mental condition that someone or something is in: 상태 ① Instead, they move freely in a water-like state and provide lubrication. ② Our brains treat stress and pleasure similarly for their heightened states. 2) the government or political organization of a country: 정부, 국가 기관 ① Such activities demonstrate that the state acknowledges the value of the media.② They decided to give up their role in state parliament for local government. 3) a country considered as a political organization: 국가 ① The people provide the state with mon
involve: 1) if an activity or situation involves something, that thing is part of it or a result of it: --와 결부되다, 관련되다 ① People must be aware that there are no miracle cures involved in dieting. ② Stories involving the alchemy date all the way back to ancient times. 2) to include or affect someone or something: 포함하다 ① The experiment involved a man who was paralyzed from the neck down. ② The second involves the disappearance of coral reefs around the world. 3) to ask or allow someone to take part in something: 관련시키다, 포함하다 ① Try to involve as many children as possible in the game.② We want
commit 1) to do something wrong or illegal: ‘저지르다’로 해석됩니다. commit suicide는 ‘자살하다’라는 표현입니다. ① Celebrities who commit a crime are more often than not shown leniency. ② They did not commit a serious crime, and the punishment is too severe.③ A roughly equal number of people used the drug to commit suicide. 2) to say that someone will definitely do something or must do something:‘약속하다’로 해석되는데, 약속보다는 좀 더 공식적인 어감이 있습니다. ① The EU has committed to cutting carbon emissions by 20 percent by 2020.② Today I commit myself never to be silent, never to be passive. 3) to give your love or support in a ser
dispose 1) to arrange things or put them in their places:‘정리하다’, ‘배치하다’로 해석됩니다. ① We have to dispose these antics on the shelf in the living room. ② The vases from China should be disposed around the gallery. 2) to get rid of something, especially something that is difficult to get rid of: ‘폐기하다’, ‘처분하다’ 등으로 해석됩니다. ① They encourage consumers to dispose of partially worn out goods.② He collected the cigarettes from the students and disposed of them by himself. 3) to sell something, especially part of a business: ‘매각하다’, ‘처분하다’로 해석됩니다. ① His neighbor wanted to dispose of the old house and
process 명사와 동사로 동시에 사용할 수 있습니다. 1) a series of things that happen naturally and result in gradual change: ‘자연적으로 일어나서 점진적인 변화로 귀결되는 일련의 일들’이라는 의미로, ‘과정’이라고 해석됩니다. ① The salts are the normal byproduct of their digestive process. 이 염분들은 그들의 소화과정에서 생기는 정상적인 부산물이다. ② Reading is an interactive process between the writer and the reader.독서는 작가와 독자 사이에 일어나는 상호적 과정이다. 2) a series of actions that are done in order to achieve a particular result: ‘특정한 결과에 도달하기 위해 행해지는 일련의 행위들’이라는 의미로, ‘절차’로 해석됩니다. ① Thomas Jefferson was chosen to represent the democratic process. 토마스 제퍼슨은 민주적인 절차를 대표하기 위해 선택되었다. ② It's a
Promote 1) to help something to develop or increase: ‘무언가가 발전되거나 증가하도록 돕다’의 의미로, ‘촉진하다’, ‘증진하다’로 해석됩니다. ① They will held a meeting to promote trade between Taiwan and the U.K.그들은 대만과 영국 사이의 무역을 증진하기 위해 회의를 가질 것이다. ② It is quite obvious that participation in sports promotes good health.운동에 참가하는 것이 좋은 건강을 촉진한다는 것은 명백하다. ③ The president used his power to heal national divisions and promote unity.그 대통령은 나라의 분열을 치유하고 통일을 촉진하기 위해 그의 권력을 사용했다. 2) to give someone a better, more responsible job in a company:‘회사에서 누군가에게 더 좋고 책임이 큰일을 부여하다’의 의미로, ‘승진시키다’로 해석됩니다. 승진은 자신이 원해서 할 수 있는 일이 아니므로 주로 수동태로 사용됩니다
Appear 1) to start to be seen, to arrive, or to exist in a place, especially suddenly: ‘어떤 특정 장소에 특히 갑자기 보이다, 도착하다, 존재하다’의 의미로 ‘나타나다’로 해석됩니다. ① However, it's been awhile since the actress appeared with a new look. 그러나 그 여배우가 새로운 외모로 등장하고 시간이 꽤 흘렀다. ② Finally, the couple appeared to the public eye as a family.마침내 그 부부가 가족으로서 대중의 앞에 나타났다. ③ A new employee who can work faster than others appeared.다른 종업원들보다 더 빨리 일할 수 있는 새 종업원이 나타났다. 2) used to say how something seems, especially from what you know about it or from what you can see: (appear to)‘특히 당신이 그것에 대해 아는 것이나 당신에게 보이는 것을 통해 무언가가 보이는 방식’의 의
Apply 1) to make a formal request, usually written, for something such as a job, a place in a university, or permission to do something: ‘보통은 문서의 형태로 직업, 대학에서의 자리, 무언가를 할 수 있는 허가 등에 대한 공식적인 요청’이라는 의미로 ‘지원하다’로 해석됩니다. apply for의 형태로 많이 사용됩니다. ① Students are allowed to apply to six different universities at the same time.학생들은 동시에 6개의 다른 대학에 지원하는 것이 허락된다. ② As for 2009, 82.4 percent of women applying for college were admitted. 2009년에는 대학에 지원한 여성들의 82.4프로가 합격했다. ③ We need to apply for planning permission to build a new garage.우리는 새로운 주차장을 짓기 위해 개축 허가서를 지원할 필요가 있다. 2) to have an effect on or to c